Veterans living with PTSD and service-related injuries face unique challenges, and research continues to highlight the life-changing impact of service dogs on their well-being.
Veterans Affairs Canada funded a pilot study, conducted from the beginning of 2015 and running until 2017, to evaluate the effectiveness of service dogs for veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The study reported impacts such as improved sleep, increased social integrations, moderate and long-lasting reduction in depressive symptoms, and decreased PTSD symptoms.
Recognizing this, the Royal Canadian Naval Benevolent Fund (RCNBF) is proud to strengthen its commitment to supporting naval veterans by funding the Canadian Veterans Service Dog Unit (CVSDU).
For the next five years, the RCNBF will provide $25,000 per year to CVSDU for the purchase and training of puppies, and subsequent matching, training, and follow-up with a naval veteran suffering from PTSD, injuries, or other conditions.
To obtain a copy of the VAC report, contact the Research Directorate at