RCNBF Report on Programming Needs – Charting a Course Forward

The RCNBF Programming Needs Assessment & Program Development Project 2022-23 was undertaken to assess and understand the current suite of RCNBF programs, identify emerging needs of target audiences and potential gaps in service, and formulate recommendations for relevant, effective programs that achieve community impact.

After broad consultations and research, the RCNBF is pleased to share Part 1: A Report on Needs – Charting a Course Forward, which will guide the organization’s future efforts and programming. Stay tuned as we continue to develop meaningful activities that align with the findings of this report!

In addition, the comprehensive Literature Review document that helped inform the report on needs is provided to illustrate a “snapshot in time” of Canadian military support services offered and potential gaps.

RCNBF Report on Programming Needs – Charting a Course Forward
Literature Review – RCNBF Programming Needs Assessment & Program Development Project