Making a Difference – CPO2 Michael Tibbetts gives back to Veterans

On July 10, 2023, Chief Petty Officer 2nd Class Michael Tibbetts met with the veterans at the Lodge during their biweekly Veteran Association Meeting…
RCNBF releases its Report on Programming Needs – Charting a Course Forward

After broad consultations and research, the RCNBF is pleased to share the results of its recent needs assessment…
The 2023 RCNBF Vice-Admiral Mark Norman Leadership Award winner is Chief Petty Officer 2nd Class Michael Tibbetts of HMCS Corner Brook.

Congratulations to the 2023 RCNBF Vice-Admiral Mark Norman Leadership Award winner Chief Petty Officer 2nd Class Michael Tibbetts of HMCS Corner Brook! Click here to learn more about CPO2 Tibbetts’ accomplishments and the award…
The RCNBF provides $25,000 for Service Dogs assigned to Naval Veterans

The Royal Canadian Naval Benevolent Fund has provided a $25,000 grant to the Canadian Veteran Service Dog Unit (CVSDU) to purchase and train two service dogs dedicated to naval veterans…
The RCNBF contributes $100,000 to the new Kingston Veterans’ Village project

The RCNBF has contributed $50,000 to the Homes For Heroes Foundation (H4HF) and pledged a further $50,000 to construct one of twenty “tiny homes” in Kingston, Ontario…
Register now for the Navy Bike Ride!

There is still time to register for the Navy Bike Ride, with a portion of proceeds going to the RCNBF…
The Royal Canadian Naval Benevolent Fund celebrates Naval Reservists with a transformative donation to the National Naval Reserve Monument Revitalization Project

The Naval Association of Canada’s National Naval Reserve Monument Revitalization Project received a significant boost today through a $50,000 donation from gold-level partner, the RCNBF…
The Royal Canadian Naval Benevolent Fund finances additional support for the naval community

Through its 2022-23 Community Support Program, the Royal Canadian Naval Benevolent Fund (RCNBF) has boosted the assistance members of the naval community will receive through its financial support of several outstanding programs…
2022 RCNBF Vice-Admiral Mark Norman Leadership Award winner announced!

The 2022 RCNBF Vice-Admiral Mark Norman Leadership Award winner is Sailor First Class Amanda Carmody of HMCS QUEEN CHARLOTTE…
2022 Educational Bursaries awarded

The RCNBF is pleased to award $1,500 to each of the following students to support their ongoing educational endeavours…