September 2023 Newsletter

The RCNBF Report on Programming Needs – Charting a Course Forward is now available
If you haven’t yet read the 2022-23 RCNBF needs assessment results, you can access both the report and full literature reviews on our website at:
These findings will guide the RCNBF’s future efforts and programming and are well worth the read!
RCNBF Annual General Meeting date confirmed
The RCNBF Annual General Meeting (AGM) will occur on September 16th, 2023, at 12:00 (ET) via ZOOM. As a result of recent changes to our membership, only the directors will engage and vote during the meeting. However, we know that all our stakeholders continue to be interested in what is happening in the organization, so the AGM package is available on our website at Those parties who wish to sit in on the meeting as observers are invited to register at Once the business part of the meeting is over, the Chair will open the floor for a few minutes to take questions and provide further context if needed.

RCNBF participates in the 2023 Navy Bike Ride
The RCNBF had a presence at the Ottawa ride on June 17, where our Chair spoke at the start line and announced an RCNBF emergency fund for serving members and their families who endured losses during the recent wildfires in Nova Scotia. Our staff operated a booth where we offered branded swag to participants. It was very gratifying to meet with such avid supporters of our naval family!
Congratulations to Chief Petty Officer 2nd Class Michael Tibbetts of HMCS CORNER BROOK
Chief Petty Officer 2nd Class Michael Tibbetts of HMCS CORNER BROOK is a well-deserving recipient of the 2023 RCNBF Vice-Admiral Mark Norman Leadership Award. Learn more about his accomplishments on our website at:, and discover how CPO2 Tibbetts is giving back in our article about his recent visit with veterans:

National Naval Reserve Monument Revitalization Project breaks ground
RCNBF Chair, Tom Riefesel, helped break ground recently on the National Naval Reserve Monument Revitalization Project, for which our organization is a gold-level partner. Seeing this project come to fruition demonstrates the RCNBF’s impact in commemorating naval veterans. Learn more about this initiative on our website at:
General Members Meeting Spring 2023
On June 3, 27 RCNBF members gathered in a General Members Meeting (GMM) called to consider a new set of bylaws. The bylaw proposal was circulated to all members in March 2023 when a Town Hall meeting was held to consult stakeholders on various changes. Additionally, members posed questions in a Q&A process, and all responses were disseminated across the membership before the consultation. The GMM was the final step, where the proposal was put to a vote and passed by a majority of 84% in a special resolution with immediate effect.
While most of the clauses aimed to update the RCNBF’s rules and regulations, one change transformed the Fund’s structural make-up. In the future, membership will be limited to directors only. Our former members will remain volunteers and continue to be recognized as an essential component in supporting the organization. We encourage them to contribute their time and expertise to build community by raising awareness, supporting special events, raising funds, and participating in committee work and program delivery.
Congratulations to every volunteer who helped the Fund establish a membership model more suited to the operation of a modern charity – a significant milestone indeed!