May 2023 Newsletter

Navy Bike Ride 2023
Please join us as One Navy Strong for some fun, good exercise, and fresh air as we celebrate the Naval Reserve Centennial during this year’s Navy Bike Ride! You can join virtually from anywhere or participate in scheduled events.
- VIRTUAL EVENT starts: Thu, June 1, 2023
- MASTHEAD CHALLENGE (Military only): Thu, June 1, 2023
- HALIFAX: Sat, June 3, 2023
- QUEBEC CITY: Sat, June 3, 2023
- ESQUIMALT (Colwood, BC): Sat, June 3, 2023
See us at the OTTAWA Event on Sat, June 17, 2023

The RCNBF contributes $100,000 to the new Kingston Veterans’ Village project
The RCNBF has contributed $50,000 to the Homes For Heroes Foundation (H4HF) and pledged a further $50,000 to construct one of twenty “tiny homes” in Kingston, Ontario. Once completed, the Kingston Veterans’ Village will also include a resource center, social service offices, community gardens and a community recreation space. All homes face inward to facilitate peer-to-peer support and are 300 square feet and fully equipped with all the features of a larger home.
The RCNBF-funded home will recognize a moment in Canadian history as it is named in honour of the first Canadians to die in combat while serving with a Canadian unit during the First World War. Midshipmen Malcolm Cann, John Hatheway, William Palmer, and Arthur Silver will be commemorated on an “Honour Plaque” installed outside the home as a permanent tribute to their sacrifice at the Battle of Coronel. They will be forever connected to Kingston as they were in the very first class of the newly created Royal Naval College of Canada.
The H4HF program furnishes transitional housing to homeless Canadian Vets while providing each one with a comprehensive rehabilitation program tailored to their needs. The goal is to see every Village resident become stable, employed and capable of living independently.
For more information on the Homes for Heroes Foundation and its program, visit

The RCNBF provides $25,000 for Service Dogs assigned to Naval Veterans
The Royal Canadian Naval Benevolent Fund has provided a Community Support Program grant of 25,000 to the Canadian Veteran Service Dog Unit (CVSDU) to purchase and train two service dogs dedicated to naval veterans.
The RCNBF is proud to partner with the CVSDU to support and improve the mental health of injured naval veterans and their families. Service dogs can be essential to a person’s care, treatment, and recovery from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or an Operational Stress Injury (OSI). Moreover, they can change the quality of life for a whole family by providing stability for the injured veteran and helping to heal relationships. The CVSDU approach offers ongoing training and peer encouragement, as service dog teams must requalify every two years after qualification.
Sandy shares the impact that his service dog Mandy has had: “With the support of my wife and the help of Mandy, my stabilization process has led me to a place where I have been able to do treatment and find healing, which I thought would never happen… she has saved me and made the quality of my family’s life much better than it was.”
For more information on the CVSDU and its program, visit
Reminder General Members Meeting
To all voting members:
The General Members Meeting (GMM) is scheduled for June 3, 2023, at 1200 ET.
The meeting will be held via Zoom, and attendees are asked to register in advance at:
Once registered, members will receive the meeting link.
The purpose of the GMM is to consider a motion (Special Resolution) to adopt new bylaws, which were circulated with the notice earlier in May. We look forward to seeing everyone as we reach yet another important milestone in our Strategy for Renewal.
Summary Town Hall March 25, 2023
In 2021-2022, the Fund introduced a system of regular communications to keep stakeholders informed, sought opinions and ideas through surveys, and held a Town Hall to provide a mid-year update and question-and-answer session. True to form, in 2022-2023, the Board of Directors pursued this format culminating in a Town Hall session that focused on the development of new bylaws. A survey on membership preceded the session. In addition, members received the complete set of bylaws three weeks before the meeting. Members also had an opportunity to participate in a question-and-answer exercise and receive a report on the responses before the meeting.
Twenty-seven members attended the online Town Hall. The meeting began with a brief overview of the Fund’s activities over the past year, emphasizing the bridging programs which kept support flowing to our clients while the Fund engaged in a significant needs assessment exercise. Members expressed general satisfaction with how the changes in the Fund are improving governance and management. As the needs assessment yields results, feedback will inform communications and future directions and provide the basis for fundraising.
The Vice-President provided an overview of the proposed bylaws, developed using the Bylaw-Builder-Tool provided by the Government of Canada. The latter ensures protections for the Fund by including all compulsory clauses and employing rigorous legal language. In addition, legal counsel verified the bylaws for completeness and compliance prior to presentation to members.
In response to a member’s concern about the adoption of the bylaws, it was made clear that the board had chosen not to adopt the bylaws and seek ratification at the Members General Members Meeting (AGM), opting instead for consultation and adoption by Special Resolution at the AGM or a General Members Meeting (GMM). It was further clarified that the Town Hall provides the opportunity for fulsome discussion, and when members table a motion at the GMM, further discussion may occur. Additional questions during the Town Hall meeting mainly centred on how changes to membership (as per proposed bylaws) would impact the way volunteers could continue to take an active interest in the Fund. The following comments and suggestions emerged from the discussion:
- Engage youth to a higher degree, use their talents, and gain from their ideas.
- Engage more closely with the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) with the approbation of RCN leadership (such as we did during the needs assessment consultations). Consider coastal Formation MS and Naval Reserve representatives.
- Volunteer on committees.
- Stand for board positions.
- Engage personal networks in fundraising.
Since renewal efforts began in 2021, the Fund has gained traction. The bylaws represent the lynchpin for moving into the future. They are the basis for all the Fund does and allow us to build programming, communications and financial capacity in a modern environment.

The French Website is Live!
You might have noticed that our communications are now being consistently published in both official languages, including in this newsletter. Bringing this practice on board involved finding a good translation service and tackling the website with all its moving parts. We believe we have found the first in the Société Ardenn. Bravo to Jean-Luc Malherbe for the quick turnaround and razor-sharp accuracy. The second was not without a few technical challenges and delays. Please forgive us while we settle a few final issues with bilingual forms that still require the technical expertise of our Fundmetric platform partners. The French website is live at or toggle over to it from the English website.