The RCNBF contributes $100,000 to the new Kingston Veterans’ Village project
The RCNBF has contributed $50,000 to the Homes For Heroes Foundation (H4HF) and pledged a further $50,000 to construct one of twenty “tiny homes” in Kingston, Ontario. Once completed, the Kingston Veterans’ Village will also include a resource center, social service offices, community gardens and a community recreation space. All homes face inward to facilitate peer-to-peer support and are 300 square feet and fully equipped with all the features of a larger home.
The RCNBF-funded home will recognize a moment in Canadian history as it is named in honour of the first Canadians to die in combat while serving with a Canadian unit during the First World War. Midshipmen Malcolm Cann, John Hatheway, William Palmer, and Arthur Silver will be commemorated on an “Honour Plaque” installed outside the home as a permanent tribute to their sacrifice at the Battle of Coronel. They will be forever connected to Kingston as they were in the very first class of the newly created Royal Naval College of Canada.
The H4HF program furnishes transitional housing to homeless Canadian Vets while providing each one with a comprehensive rehabilitation program tailored to their needs. The goal is to see every Village resident become stable, employed and capable of living independently.
For more information on the Homes for Heroes Foundation and its program, visit https://homesforheroesfoundation.ca.